However to date research had been focused on reputations as standalone entities with no attention paid to the interdependence of companies within the same industry. Where they do not align and there are gaps, company directors need to identify and reconcile those identityimage gaps. Pdf the significance of corporate reputation management. The purpose of this thesis will be to discover how online activity may be. I declare that the masters dissertation, which i hereby submit for the degree mcom. The scientific approach followed throughout this research is referred to as deduction, entailing an element of induction. The significance of corporate reputation management in the public sector. Ontology and measurement stephen lloyd a thesis submitted to aut university. Corporate reputation is not only out of the direct control of management, but is also dependent on the actions of similar companies within its industry. Corporate reputation management repub, erasmus university. However, his twitter became the top 3 on the list of trending topics for a. Corporate reputation and its importance for business success riccarda dumke masters thesis leadership and human resource management miscellaneous publish your bachelors or masters thesis, dissertation, term paper or essay. The role of online reputation management in strategic. In order to better manage their corporate reputation, companies need to align their corporate identity and corporate image.
In simpler words, corporate reputation is the impression that significant people have about your business. The companys past actions and future predictions are the factors that govern the corporate reputation. Despite a proliferation of research on the topics of reputation, image and. In addition, most scholars agree that orm is management of corporate reputation on the new environment, which is the social media. To define corporate reputation, we can say that it is basically the overall estimation of the company or any organization that is held by the stakeholders of the internal and the external market. The road that has been followed in aspiration of writing this master thesis was one of many. The research designs of the studies included in this dissertation. A good corporate reputation is extremely valuable, and confers substantial benefits to the organisation. Communication management at the university of pretoria, is my own work and.
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